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Old 04-03-2020, 02:22 PM   #851
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Pornografie illegal (1971)

Titles: Pornografie illegal
Year: 1971
Categories: Explicit Erotic Crime Drama
Duration: 01;20;03
Countries: West Germany
Languages: German
Directors: Alois Brummer
Cast: Elke Boltenhagen, Johannes Buzalski, Alon D'Armand

The adventures of two American gangsters who are hiding from the FBI in Hamburg, Germany. When there becomes too hot, they move to Munich. Their erotic adventures include sexy girls, prostitutes and lesbians until they the law finally catches up to them. At the same time, their sadistic buddies (Jimmy & Johnny) in California go on a general crime spree around the countryside, torturing and killing those who get in their way finally ending up with three women imprisoned in an apartment whom they constantly rape and also torture (although one girl in particular doesn't seem to mind).

Video: DVDRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 704x400, 1203 kb/s
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 761 MB

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Old 04-03-2020, 03:15 PM   #852
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Escola Penal de Meninas Violentadas / Correctional Facility for Raped Girls (1977)

Titles: Escola Penal de Meninas Violentadas / Correctional Facility for Raped Girls
Year: 1977
Categories: Explicit Erotic Drama, W.I.P
Duration: 01;20;47
Countries: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese
Directors: Antonio Meliande
Cast: Meiry Vieira, Sérgio Hingst, Zilda Mayo

The newcomer Marli arrives in a remote reformatory in the countryside ruled by the sadistic and insane Mother Superior Maria do Socorro and her retarded deaf and dumb henchman Carrasco. The Mother Superior punishes the inmates for any minor fault, and they are brutally whipped or raped by Carrasco to exorcise the demons that possess them. The Mother Superior is worshiped by the deranged sister Clara and the other nuns and the inmates do not have any means of communication with the distant town. The only vehicle is a jeep and the keys are kept in the possession of the Mother Superior. When the prisoner Cinira is helped by a stranger, she learns that Maria do Socorro is not who she tells she is and the man seeks evidences of the brutal treatment of the inmates.

Video: TVRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 640x448, 1009 kb/s
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 655 MB

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Old 04-03-2020, 06:00 PM   #853
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Desejos Sexuais de Elza (1982)

Titles: Desejos Sexuais de Elza
Year: 1982
Categories: Erotic Crime Drama
Duration: 01;25;06
Countries: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese
Directors: Tony Vieira
Cast: Osmar Alves, Hely Antonio, Enoque Batista

Mulher sensual e inescrupulosa cobica Dalmi, ex-sentenciado que cumprira 8 anos de prisao, novo empregado de seu marido, perigoso traficante que passa por benemerito figurao. Elza descobre o passado de Dalmi e depois de have-lo espionado em seu sadico caso com a empregada Regina, lanca-lhe um ultimato: ou ele a faz sentir as mesmas emocoes ou entao sera desmascarado. Como o rapaz resiste, ela mata a empregada e ainda o acusa de have-la violentado.

Video: VHSRip, AVI, 640x480, 1040 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 2 ch, 192 kb/s
Size: 757 MB

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Old 04-03-2020, 06:46 PM   #854
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The Love Object (1970)

Titles: The Love Object
Year: 1970
Categories: Erotic BDSM Drama
Duration: 00;54;20
Countries: USA
Languages: English
Directors: Don Schain
Cast: Kim Pope, William Grannel, Howard Blakey

Here is the ultra-rare first film from director Don Schain (the aueteur behind the "GINGER" series, among others.) It's the grim, nasty story of an actress who gets kidnapped and abused. Surprisingly arty, in a low-rent, film-studenty kind of way. "You won't forget the next few minutes, but you'll never enjoy remembering them!"

Video: SATRip, AVI, 640x480, 981 kb/s
Audio: AC3, 2 ch, 384 kb/s
Size: 923 MB

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Old 04-03-2020, 07:59 PM   #855
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Presidio De Mulheres Violentadas / Le porno detenute / Aufruhr im Frauengefangnis / Aberraciones sexuales femeninas (1977)

Titles: Presidio De Mulheres Violentadas / Le porno detenute / Aufruhr im Frauengefangnis / Aberraciones sexuales femeninas
Year: 1977
Categories: Explicit Erotic, Drama, Action, Exploitation, W.I.P
Duration: 01;20;24
Countries: Brazil
Languages: Italian (dubbed)
Directors: Luiz Castellini, Antonio Polo Galante
Cast: Esmeralda Barros, Hugo Bidet, Meiry Vieira

Female prison inmates rebelled against intolerable conditions of confinement...

Video: DVDRip, AVI, 640x400, 1079 kb/s
Audio: MP3, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 699 MB

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Old 04-03-2020, 08:55 PM   #856
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C'e un fantasma nel mio letto / There is a Ghost in My Bed (1981)

Titles: C'e un fantasma nel mio letto / There is a Ghost in My Bed / Hay un fantasma en mi cama / Y a-t-il un fantome dans mon lit? / Um Fantasma na Minha Cama
Year: 1981
Categories: Erotic Comedy
Runtime: 01;30;48
Countries: Italy, Spain
Languages (2 audio tracks): 1. Russian (VO) | 2. Italian
Directors: Claudio Giorgi (as Claudio De Molinis)
Cast: Lilli Carati, Renzo Montagnani, Vincenzo Crocitti

A couple has to rent a hotel room which is really a haunted house. Well, haunted is overstating it. Just old Renzo as a horny ghost who wants to get it on with Carati. Sexual frolics abound, Carati takes baths and has sex and hubby fulfills his role as cuckold.

Video: DVDRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 704x400, 1003 kb/s
Audio (2 audio tracks): 1. RU. (AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s) | 2. IT. (AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s)
Size: 816 MB

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Old 04-03-2020, 09:06 PM   #857
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Lehrmadchen-Report / Girls Serve Their Apprenticeship (1972)

Titles: Lehrmadchen-Report / Girls Serve Their Apprenticeship
Year: 1972
Categories: Explicit Erotic, Drama, Comedy
Duration: 01;12;46
Countries: Germany
Languages: German
Directors: Ernst Hofbauer
Cast: Marina Blumel, Astrid Boner, Hilde Brandt

This exploitive entry in the german sex smut genre isn’t this time about schoolgirls, but apprentice gals who are harrassed, raped and otherwisely sexually offended by their horny co-workers and even bosses they are working with.

Video: DVDRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 720x448, 1485 kb/s
Audio: AC3, 2 ch, 192 kb/s
Size: 890 MB

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Old 04-03-2020, 10:19 PM   #858
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A Noite das Taras / The Night of the Perversions (1980)

Titles: A Noite das Taras / The Night of the Perversions
Year: 1980
Categories: Explicit Erotic Drama
Duration: 01;20;30
Countries: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese
Directors: David Cardoso, John Doo, Ody Fraga
Cast: Arlindo Barreto, Pericles Campos, Wilson Junior

Three sailors land in the Santos port after four months at sea and head to Sao Paulo.
(1) "A Carta de Erico" ("The Letter from Erico") The first sailor brings a letter from a man named Erico that he had stumbled upon in an alley in Porto Alegre. He arrives at the address in Sao Paulo and knocks on the door but nobody answers. He recalls that Erico had told him to insist since it would be very important to see the person. Meanwhile in the apartment, the depressed Ms. Cibele Marcondes is ready to commit suicide. The sailor opens the door, has sex with the disconsolate woman and saves her. When she opens the envelope, there is only a blank piece of paper. What they do not know is the Erico is probably a guard angel that has protected Cibele.
(2) "Peixe Fora d'Agua" ("Fish out of Water") The second sailor cruises in a gay bar and two men beat him up. He meets Susana she invites him to go to her place to have sex. When he is waiting for Susana in her room, the criminal Cesar arrives with a revolver but leaves him with Susana. They have sex and Susana proposes a deal to the sailor: Susana and her three partners would go to the house of her ex-husband to steal her jewelry and they need a new face to help them. The naive sailor agrees to team up with the gang with tragic consequences.
(3) "Julio e o Paraiso" ("Julio and the Paradise") The third and older sailor, Julio, meets five starving hippie young women completely broken on the street and he invites them to have lunch with him. Then they go to their house, and they find that Júlio has a large amount of money with him. They decide to kill him.

Video: SATRip, AVI, 528x400, 1028 kb/s
Audio: AC3, 2 ch, 256 kb/s
Size: 745 MB

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Old 04-03-2020, 10:55 PM   #859
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A Noite das Taras II / The Night of the Perversions No. 2 (1982)

Titles: A Noite das Taras II / The Night of the Perversions No. 2
Year: 1982
Categories: Explicit Erotic Comedy
Duration: 01;21;56
Countries: Brazil
Languages: Portuguese
Directors: Ody Fraga, Claudio Portioli
Cast: Vanessa Alves, Simone Barreto, Sonia Bezerra

(1) "Solo de Violino" ("Violin Solo") In Sao Paulo, the bank clerk Rodrigo is an aspirant violinist with deep psychological problems. He is also a serial-killer of prostitutes and lives with his unpleasant and dominating mother Debora. When Rodrigo was a ch!ld, he witnessed the abusive and humiliating treatment of his mother to his father, a professional violinist who played in cheap bars. When Rodrigo meets his next door neighbor on a bus, she reveals that she is in love with his music and him. But Rodrigo has difficulties in controlling his killing impulses.
(2) "A Guerra da Malvina" ("The Malvina War") Four female thieves led by Malvina break in the house of the porn star David Cardoso to rob money and jewelry, but they end having sex with the actor.

Video: DVDRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 672x480, 1108 kb/s
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 720 MB

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Old 04-04-2020, 09:33 AM   #860
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Bad Girls Go to Hell (1965)

Titles: Bad Girls Go to Hell
Year: 1965
Categories: Erotic Drama
Duration: 01;04;12
Countries: USA
Languages (2 audio tracks): 1. Russian (VO) | 2. English
Directors: Doris Wishman
Cast: Gigi Darlene, Charles E. Mazin, Sam Stewart

After hubby Ted goes to work, Ellen putters around the apartment in her nightgown cleaning up. When she takes the trash out, the janitor forces her into his apartment and rapes her. When he tries to rape her again, she dispatches him and then hits the road, a fugitive from injustice. She goes to the Big City and encounters a string of situations where she gets used and abused. When she finally finds a nice woman to rent from, the woman's son turns out to be a detective, which threatens her newly found identity and peace of mind.

Video: DVDRip, AVI, 640x480, 1897 kb/s
Audio (2 audio tracks): 1. RUS. (MP3, 2 ch, 128 kb/s) | 2. ENG. (MP3, 2 ch, 128 kb/s)
Size: 996 MB

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