Come imparai ad amare le donne / How I Learned to Love Women (1966)
File: Titles: Come imparai ad amare le donne / How I Learned to Love Women / Das Gewisse Etwas der Frauen / Comment j'ai appris a aimer les femmes / Como Aprendi a Amar as Mulheres / Oi gynaikes theloun erota / Itaria-shiki ai no tekunikku / Love Parade
Year: 1966
Categories: Erotic Comedy
Runtime: 01;36;49
Countries: Italy, France, West Germany
Languages (2 audio tracks): 1. German | 2. Italian
Directors: Luciano Salce
Cast: Michele Mercier, Nadja Tiller, Elsa Martinelli
Robert chases out into the world to unravel the mystery of women.
Video: DVDRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 688x552, 1903 kb/s
Audio (2 audio tracks): AC-3, 2 ch, 224 kb/s - [1. German | 2. Italian]
Size: 1,62 GB
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