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Old 08-08-2020, 05:23 PM   #893
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Default Re: Vintage SOFTCORE Full Movie Archives

Nerone e Poppea / Nero and Poppea - An Orgy of Power (1982) [UNCUT]

Titles: Nerone e Poppea / Nero and Poppea - An Orgy of Power / Caligula Reincarnated As Nero / Nero und die Huren des romischen Reiches / Nero und die Huren Roms / Les aventures sexuelles de Neron et de Poppee / Roma: Orgia imperial / Las aventuras sexuales de Neron y Popea / Nerone ve Poppea: Bir Guc Sefahati / Neron kai Poppaia / Ta orgia tou Nerona
Categories: Explicit Erotic History Drama
Runtime: 01;42;43
Countries: Italy, France
Languages: English (dubbed)
Directors: Bruno Mattei, Antonio Passalia (as Anthony Pass)
Cast: Piotr Stanislas, Francoise Blanchard, Patricia Derek

History tells us that Nero was the Emperor who fiddled while Rome burned. What you would expect from a decadent Roman Empire on the decline are all shown here by the late Bruno Mattei. The antics of Emperor Nero were just as notorious as those of his infamous uncle Caligula.

Video: VHSRip, MKV, AVC, H.264, 704x384, 1012 kb/s
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 128 kb/s
Size: 834 MB

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