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Old 10-12-2020, 06:11 PM   #394
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Default Whitney Wright - Whitney Needs That Package Delivery

File Name: Whitney Wright - Whitney Needs That Package Delivery mp4

Description: Normally when a package is being delivered and it begins to vibrate uncontrollably before it is handed over would be embarrassing to some; but this deliver man just wonders what on earth could be vibrating so much. He demands his payment and Whitney has no way to pay but she NEEDS this package today. She can not wait any longer. After some tug of war the box contents go flying; and like magic, Whitneys shorts are off and her pussy is in the air to make the most amazing vibrator catch ever. Can this be any more CHEESY? What kind of delivery is this? This must be a porno right? Will the delivery man deliver his own personal package? What is a delivery man to do? He had one fucking job. Hand over the package AFTER getting the payment and he fucked that up... Well fuck it... this is a porno; everyone gets laid right?



Whitney Wright - Whitney Needs That Package Delivery
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